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Naju National Museum

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Ancient Tombs in the Yeongsangang River Basin

Anceint Tomb Culture Gallery

Culture of Ancient Tombs along Yeongsangang River

The Yeongsangang River basin has a unique culture of ancient tombs. Ancient people who lived around the river basin built a large mound where several coffins of people who were believed to have been family were buried together. In the past, although jar coffins were used for tombs, large jar coffins are found only in the Yeongsanggang River basin. Furthermore, various types of tombs similar to those in Baekje, Gaya, and Japan have been discovered in the area, showing that this river basin had a fusion of various cultures at that time.

Ancient Tombs in the Yeongsangang River Basin

Ancient residents around Yeongsangang River built various tombs in different shapes such as trapezoid, round, square, and hourglass. The deceased were buried alone or together with others who had already been buried in various types of tombs. Around the deceased were burial items such as pottery, ironware, and beads in a tomb, with an ancestral rite held outside the tomb. Over time, people started putting fewer burial items in the tomb chamber.